Merit Badges
- Merit Badge Counselor will provide Scouts Blue Cards at the end of each merit badge session.
- Scouts are responsible for filling out the information on the cards
- The Merit Badge counselor will record the completed requirements on the Applicant's record portion, especially when it is a partial. The Merit Badge Counselor will sign the card when all requirements are completed.
The Merit Badge Counselor portion of the card can be torn off and held by the Counselor or their circular file system.
All Blue Cards are then turned over to the Scouts to be presented to Mr. Farley, the Scoutmaster for Unit Leader Signature. - All Completed/ fully-signed Blue Cards are then returned to the Scout, and then are presented by the Scout to Mrs Glorieux, our Advancement Chair, to be entered in Scoutbook. The Advancement Chair is the only person who should be entering advancement in Scoutbook.
Of all the Merit Badges available to you, the following are required to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout (on the images, they are the badges with a white border): Cooking, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Camping, Communication, Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, Environmental Science OR Sustainability, Family Life, First Aid, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling. Click on the merit badge to see the requirements.
Go to the Merit Badge Worksheet page for the Merit Badge worksheets or to the How can I Start Earning Merit Badges page for more information about how to get started earning merit badges. Merit Badge Counselors are available through the Troop or through the Council.