How do I advance in Rank?
A Scout advances from Tenderfoot to Eagle by doing things with his patrol and troop, with his leaders, and on his own. When the four stages shown below are integrated together by attending troop meetings, treks, providing service to the community, earning merit badges, and learning on his own, a Sout advances in rank. As a Scout prepares for his scouting adventures and advances in rank he begins to make the transfer from boy to man, increasing his abilities, self-confidence, independence and lifelong moral fortitude and leadership skills.
A Scout Learns
He learns by doing, and as he learns, he grows in his ability to do his part as a member of the patrol and troop. As he develops knowledge and skill, he is asked to teach others; and in this way he learns and develops leadership.
A Scout Is Tested
The Scoutmaster authorizes those who may test and pass the Scout on rank requirements. They might include his patrol leader, senior patrol leader, an assistant unit leader, a troop committee member, another Scout, or the Scoutmaster himself. Merit badge counselors teach and test him on requirements for merit badges.
A Scout Is Reviewed
After he has completed all requirements for a rank, the Scout meets the Scoutmaster or his designator for a Scoutmaster Conference. After the Scoutmaster Conference, the Scout requests a Board of Review and prepared himself for the Board.
A Scout Is Recognized
When the Board of Review has approved his advancement, the Scout deserves recognition as soon as possible by his scout peers and leaders. Formal recognition, such as rank advancement and merit badges earned are presented during a twice yearly Court of Honor.