Troop By Laws

Troop 801 Bylaws   

Troop 801 Bylaws  

    Bylaws of Troop 801, Coronado, CA       

February 18, 2013

         These bylaws are provided as a guide to all Boy Scouts, their parents and the Scouters (adult leaders) of Boy Scout Troop 801 in order to outline the organization, policies, procedures, and activities of the Troop. In addition to these Bylaws, the Boy Scout Handbook, the Scoutmaster Handbook, and the Guide to Safe Scouting will guide Troop 801.

Mission and Purpose

        The mission of Boy Scout Troop 801 is to implement the Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America. The purpose of Scouting is to provide an effective educational program designed to train in the responsibilities of practicing citizenship, providing growth in moral strength and character, and to enhance the development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness.


Troop 801’s Leadership Policies and Procedures


Youth Leadership

                Troop 801 is a Boy run Troop. With the guidance of the Scoutmaster and his assistants, the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) is responsible for planning and conducting the Troop’s activities. The PLC is made up of the senior Patrol Leader (SPL), the assistant senior Patrol Leaders (ASPLs), all Patrol Leaders  (PL), the Scribe, Librarian, Historian, Instructor, Leave No Trace Representative, Chaplain’s Aid, Quartermaster, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (JASM) , OA Troop Representative and the Troop Guides.  

The following is an outline of the duties of the key youth leaders within the Troop:        

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL):         

Preside at all Troop Meetings, events, activities, and annual program planning meeting, chair the PLC meetings, appoint other boy leaders with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster,    assign duties and responsibilities to other junior leaders, assist the Scoutmaster in training other junior leaders, delegate tasks to the ASPLs including making sure an ASPL attends any meeting/function he will not be able to attend (Troop Meetings, PLC Meetings, Committee Meetings,  campouts/outings etc.), oversee the planning efforts of all Scouts for all Troop campouts (whether he attends them or not),have exemplary attendance at Troop Meetings, set a good example, enthusiastically wear the Scout uniform, correctly, display Scout Spirit and live by the Scout Oath and Law.

Junior Assistant Scoutmaster:

Appointed by the Scoutmaster. He is a scout who is 16 years of age and has attained the rank of Eagle Scout. He provides leadership guidance to the SPL and ASPL’s. He screens scouts for advancement ensuring they have met and understand requirements for each rank.  He also plays a key role in the development of the Troop Annual Program Plan, providing guidance on scheduling Patrol Leaders’ Councils, treks, and service projects. He assists the Assistant Scoutmaster with the New Scout Patrol. The Scoutmaster may select more than one Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL):         

Fill in for the SPL in his absence, be responsible for training and giving direction to the Quartermaster, Scribe, Historian, Librarian, Leave No Trace Representative, Chaplain Aide, OA Troop Representative and instructors.  The ASPL (s) is not a member of a patrol. The Troop may appoint more than one ASPL.       

Patrol Leaders (PL):         

Plan and lead patrol meetings and activities, represent his patrol at all PLC meetings, keep patrol members informed, assign each patrol member a specific duty, prepare the patrol to participate in all Troop activities, work with other Troop leaders to make the Troop run well, know the abilities of each patrol member, set a good example, wear the Scout uniform correctly, live by the Scout Oath and Law, show and develop patrol spirit.         


Assistant Patrol Leaders (APL):       

Help the PL run the patrol and fill in for him in his absence. (Note: Unlike the other key leader-ship positions, the APL position does not count as a position of responsibility (POR) for advancement purposes and does not attend PLC meetings.)          

Quartermaster (QM):          

Be responsible for storing Troop equipment in patrol boxes, maintain the condition and distribute the equipment for treks, and recommend purchase of gear when needed. The Equipment Manager will do spot checks on the patrol boxes.          

Troop Guide:

The Troop Guide works with the new Scouts. He helps them become familiar with Troop operations and earn their First Class rank in their first year. He reports to the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.


The SPL may appoint up to two (2) instructors. The instructor is a First Class Scout or above that is proficient in scouting skills.

Chaplain’s Aide:

The SPL will appoint the Chaplain’s Aide. The Chaplain’s Aide is a First Class Scout or above who will ensure that religious holidays and customs are considered during the development of the Troop Annual Plan. He will lead the Troop in non-denominational prayer before meetings, during treks, and other occasions as necessary.

Leave No Trace Trainer:

The SPL will appoint the Leave No Trace Trainer (LNT). The LNT is a First Class Scout or above and 14 years of age, who will conduct LNT training for the Troop. Additionally, he must complete the 16 hour course “Leave No Trace Trainer” training, to qualify as a Leave No Trace Trainer. He will ensure LNT principles are adhered to on all scout treks. 


The Scribe is the Troop Secretary. The Scribe is a First Class Scout or above who keeps record of the Troops’ attendance.


The Historian collects and preserves Troop photographs, movies, news articles, and other memorabilia. He is a First Class Scout or above. He preserves the data on DVD, CD or hard copy format.


The Librarian is a First Class Scout or above who oversees the care and use of Troop books, merit badge pamphlets, and any hard copy media that the Troop owns.

Den Chief:

The Den Chief is a First Class Scout or above that works with an assigned Den of Cub Scouts and their adult Den Leader. He is a role model for the Den encouraging participation in scouting.

OA Troop Representative:

An Order of the Arrow Troop Representative is a youth liaison serving between the local OA lodge or chapter and his Troop. In his Troop, he serves as a communication and programmatic link to the Arrowman and adult leaders and Scouts who are not presently members of the Order. He does this in a fashion that strengthens the mission of the lodge and purpose of the Order. By setting a good example, he enhances the image of the Order as a service arm to his Troop.  The OA Troop Representative should brief the PLC and Troop monthly on upcoming Order of the Arrow lodge and chapter events and encourage Troop 801 Arrowman participation.  While filling this leadership position, this Scout must attend a minimum of 60% of the monthly meetings of his OA chapter in order to receive credit for this leadership position for advancement. 

Elections:  Troop elections will be conducted bi-annually during Troop meetings generally/about in April and November to elect the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) and each Patrol Leader.       

Eligibility requirements for each position are based on the date of the Troop/Patrol elections.          

SPL: The Senior Patrol Leader will be elected by a simple majority of all Scouts present at the meeting. To be eligible, a Scout shall be any active Scout holding the rank of Life or higher.          

PL: The Patrol Leaders will be elected by a simple majority of the Scouts present at the meeting from that patrol.  To be eligible, a Scout shall be an active Scout holding the rank of First Class or higher.        

ASPL: The Scoutmaster and the Senior Patrol Leader will each appoint an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. Their term of office shall be the same as the SPL. To be eligible, a Scout shall be any active Scout holding the rank of Star or higher.         

APL: Assistant Patrol Leaders shall be appointed by their Patrol Leader and his term of office shall be for the same as the Patrol Leader.

The SPL will appoint scouts for the following leadership positions: Troop Guide, Instructor (2), Scribe, Leave No Trace Representative, Chaplain Aide, Librarian, Historian, OA Troop Representative and

Quartermaster (1) or more as required.

Adult Leadership



The Scoutmaster is the adult leader responsible for the image and program of the Troop. The Scoutmaster and his Assistant Scoutmasters work directly with the Scouts. The general responsibilities of the Scoutmaster include:        

Train and guide boy leaders, work with other adult leaders to bring Scouting to boys, use the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.        

Assistant Scoutmasters (ASM):        

Assistant Scoutmasters are recruited by the Scoutmaster and approved by the Troop Committee to assist the Scoutmaster in the operation of the Troop. Assistant Scoutmasters are assigned program tasks by the Scoutmaster and provide guidance to the boy leadership. He also provides the required two deep leadership (two adult leaders present at every Boy Scout activity).           

Troop Committee:         

As outlined in the official Bylaws of BSA, each chartered unit of BSA shall be under the supervision of a unit Committee, consisting of three or more qualified adults, 21 years of age or over. The Troop Committee is the Troop’s board of directors and supports the Troop program.  The Committee shall advise the Scoutmaster on policies relating to Boy Scouting and the chartered organization, and support leaders in carrying out the program. The Committee is responsible for finances, adequate funds, and disbursements in line with the approved budget plan. Committee members serve on boards of review and courts of honor and, support the Scoutmaster in working with individual boys and problems that may affect the overall Troop program. The Committee will have a chairman, chartered organization representative, secretary, and treasurer, as well as members in charge of outdoor programming, advancements, leadership training, membership, Troop equipment coordination, recruitment, publicity and Cub Pack 122 liaison.  In addition, any adult who wishes to work with the Scouts on advancement requirements must also be a registered adult leader, and have completed Youth Protection Training, and abide by the rules and regulations of BSA. The Troop Committee will conduct meetings on the first Thursday evening of each month at 7pm at a site as announced by the Committee Chair. Every effort will be made to inform all parents of the date, time and location of each meeting. All parents of boys registered with Troop 801 are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings. 

Troop and Patrol Meetings

Weekly Troop meetings will be held each Monday evening at Sacred Heart Parish Hall. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM (unless otherwise notified) and will last until approximately 8:30 PM. Every effort should be made by the Scout to be at the meeting prior to the scheduled start    time to ensure that the meeting can start on time. The Service Patrol assigned by the SPL will be expected to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to prepare the room and remain after the meeting to ensure that the room is cleaned prior to leaving for the evening.       

Each Scout will be expected to be in Class “A” uniform for the meeting. Other adults and non-Scouts are strongly encouraged to remain outside the Parish Hall during Troop meetings.  Parents can conduct business with the Treasurer and other Committee members with leadership positions outside on the Parish Hall patio. Trek leaders will come out to the patio to answer parent’s questions after addressing Scouts in the Parish Hall. When Scouts leave the Parish Hall to participate in outdoor activities, other adults may enter the Parish Hall to check sign-up sheets and pick up permission forms and any other information left out on the back table. When Scouts return to resume their meeting, the only adults present during the meeting will be once again be the Scoutmaster, ASMs, and necessary trek leaders. 

Court of Honor is generally held in the spring and fall.  The results of the elections are typically announced.  Eagle Scouts, rank promotions and other achievements are typically recognized.  The cutoff for submitting achievements for the Court of Honor is 14 days prior to the event.

Patrol Leaders’ Council    

Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) meetings will be held once a month in lieu of a general Troop meeting.      

The meeting will be attended by those scouts who hold leadership positions in the Troop. The Meetings will be conducted in the Parish Hall.  Adults and scouts not holding leadership positions or Scouts, Scoutmasters, ASMs and trek leaders who need to make announcements to the Scouts, are encouraged to attend.. Each Scout is expected to be in Class “A” uniform for the PLC.       


Scout Uniform

 The full "Class A" uniform consists of the official Scout shirt, pants/shorts, Scout belt, neckerchief or Scout bolo, BSA hat or cap, Scout socks, and closed toe shoes. The "Class B" uniform is the Troop t-shirt, Scout shorts/pants, Scout socks, and closed toe shoes. The badges, other required insignia and the uniforms of   BSA shall be made available to, and are only for use by registered Scouts, officials, and other members who have satisfactorily complied with the requirements prescribed by BSA. All Scouts and Scouters are required to wear the official "Class A" uniform at all Troop meetings and other official functions. The Scoutmaster or trek leader may designate the wearing of Class “A” modified, which is the full Class “A” without neckerchiefs, to travel to and from trek locations. All Scouts will be required to be in full "Class A" uniform during a Scoutmaster Conference, going before a Board of Review or attending a Court of Honor. Any Scout not properly dressed for these functions will not be eligible to attend or to receive awards.

Summer schedule typically aligns with the school schedule. Summer uniform is “Class B” at meetings.

Uniform hats are not required at regular meetings; however, uniform hats are required at Board of Review and other events when in class A uniform.       

Advancement Process


1. Attendance Requirements

A key component of the advancement process is Scout Spirit. The components of scout spirit that will be assessed are adhering to the scout oath and law, attendance at scout meetings, community service projects, supporting Eagle Scout projects, and taking on positions of leadership to run the Troop. Those components can only be assessed by observing the scouts first hand. Specifically:

 In order to be considered for rank advancement, a scout must have attended at least 50 % of the Troop scheduled meetings to receive credit for advancement.

 If a scout holds a leadership position, the scout must be present for 75 % of the Troop meetings to receive credit for advancement.

 In order to gain credit for service hours, the scout must participate in a Troop sponsored civic activity or a Troop member’s Eagle Scout Project.

 2. Complete Requirements     

Individual requirements for the rank of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class must be completed and signed off by the Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader in the rank of Star or above, or, any scout in the rank of Star or above, the Scoutmaster and/or Assistant Scoutmaster. Individual requirements for the rank of Star and Life must be completed and signed off by the Scoutmaster and/or designated Assistant Scoutmaster.     

When all requirements for a rank are completed (other than Scout Sprit, Scoutmaster Conference, and Board of Review) the Scout must bring his Scout Handbook to the Advancement Chairman, who will review the handbook and notify the Junior Assistant Scoutmaster or the Scoutmaster of the Scout’s eligibility for advancement and a Scoutmaster Conference with  the Scoutmaster or a designated Assistant Scoutmaster will be scheduled.       

3. Scoutmaster Conference:     

The Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (JASM) will assist the Scoutmaster by conducting a preliminary conference, assessing the scout’s knowledge of scouting basics for the specific rank that the scout is testing for. The JASM will recommend to the Scoutmaster whether or not the scout is qualified for the Scoutmaster conference.

The Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster       

will then conduct the Scoutmaster conference and sign off the Scout’s Boy Scout Handbook only after a satisfactory review of his rank. The requirement for demonstrating Scout Spirit can only be signed off by the Scoutmaster if he believes that the Scout has lived by the Scout Oath and Scout Law both during Scouting and non-Scouting activities. Once the Scout has passed the Scoutmaster Conference, the Advancement Chairman will notify the Board of Review Coordinator to schedule a Board of Review.         

4. Board of Review:     

The Board of Review (BOR) will consist of at least three members of the Troop Committee. The BOR is an opportunity for the Scout and the Troop Committee to discuss the Scout’s advancement progress, plans and goals, any issues with the Troop and its members, and any suggestions the Scout has for improvements. At the end of the BOR, the adults will initial the Scout’s Scout Handbook only after a satisfactory review of his rank. Reasons for which the Board can deny advancement include Scout’s attitude, Scout not in full uniform, Scout’s failure to bring his BSA Handbook, Scout cannot recite the Scout Law, Oath, Motto, Slogan, and Outdoor code, Scout’s or BSA Handbook missing signatures.     


Scoutmaster Conferences and BORs will held only at scheduled times arranged in advance by the Advancement Chairman and/or Board of Review Coordinator.    

(See Appendix I for BOR Guidelines)


      Merit Badges        

All merit badges will be conducted by a certified merit badge counselor. At no time will any merit badge class be held with fewer than two Scouts or two adults (one adult observer and the  instructor) present at all times. The Scout(s) wishing to take a merit badge will obtain the Scoutmaster’s approval prior to starting the merit badge. Individual merit badge requirements may be signed off by the counselor based on a signed note from the parents, teachers, etc., if the    counselor is comfortable that the Scout has indeed accomplished the requirement.


Code of Conduct


Our code of conduct is contained in the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.       

A disciplinary problem is considered any Scout who is disruptive to the proper operation of the Troop or his Patrol who does not respond to the corrective actions taken by the PL, SPL,    Scoutmaster, and/or ASMs.         

It is the responsibility of all Scouts present at each Troop meeting or activity to ensure the    proper conduct of all Scouts present. If there is a problem with a Scout, the PL/SPL (or senior Scout present) will be responsible for correcting the Scout’s behavior. If the PL/SPL feels additional action is required, the SPL may call a special PLC meeting to decide the     appropriate action to be taken with the consent of the Scoutmaster. If the PLC is unable to   correct the actions of a Scout, then the Scoutmaster will try to correct the problem. It will be the responsibility of the Scoutmaster to notify the parents of a Scout when the problem persists. In the event all of these actions fail, the Scoutmaster will refer the problem to the Troop Committee for appropriate action.  Only the Troop Committee may suspend a Scout or remove him from the Troop.         

Outing permission slips contain the following wording:

Commitment and Disciplinary Statement - I (name of Scout) will conduct myself in a manner befitting a good Scout. Should I fail to do so, I understand that the trek leader may suspend me from further participation in the event.   In this instance, I myself or the trek leader will contact my parents to have me removed from the outing.

 (Signature of Scout)       

Should (name of scout) be suspended from this outing, I (name of Parent) will be responsible for making provisions for removing my Scout from the outing. I also agree that no refund will be made for any expenses related to the outing. (Signature of Parent)


Outings Requirements


Permission slips will be required for all Troop outings and are due on the specified day.         

The criteria for participation in Troop outings will be set by trek leaders based on the demands of each particular outing. Scouts and adults may have to successfully participate in a number of less strenuous treks as a prerequisite for more challenging treks.

Permission slips will indicate that all adults going on outings must be registered. Trek leaders will list dress code requirements for the outing.


Trek leaders will determine if and when one on one adult supervision is required for special needs Scouts.    

For limited subscription outings, Scouts have priority over adults to take spots after the amount of adult support is determined by the trek leader. Scouts who are active in the Troop thereby displaying "Scout spirit" will have priority over Scouts who do not participate regularly. Repeat   participants on a particular outing and non-Scouts can join outings if there is room after new Scouts and necessary adults have been included.  


Eligibility for outings will be limited by lack of payment for prior outings or other fees.          

Parents are responsible for transporting their sons to campouts and other Troop activities. Carpools will be coordinated by trek leaders; however the ultimate responsibility will lie with the parents.

All carpool drivers must carry liability insurance of at least $50,000 (each person), $100,000    (each accident) and $50,000 (property damage). Parents and adult leaders must provide updated information about their vehicle(s) and associated insurance to the Troop annually.


Scouts will not be allowed to depart for treks without a permission slip, payment, and any other required paperwork.




Registration and Fees:      

Annual Troop registration dues should be paid before October 1st and will cover annual re- chartering of the Troop, BSA registration fees, a subscription to "Boy’s Life" magazine, and   operating expenses of the Troop as determined by the Troop Committee.  Scouts joining the Troop after February 1st will pay a prorated reduction as determined by the Troop Committee. Currently dues are $150 per Scout per year if paid before October 1st. After October 1st, there will be a $5 penalty added. Annual dues for adults volunteering to participate as registered leaders are required. Annual Dues are $50 for adults.


All Troop 801 Scouts are responsible for purchasing the appropriate uniform and all patches.  Troop neckerchiefs, unit numbers, badges of rank, merit badges, service stars, other uniform awards and Scout badges of responsibility will be provided and presented by the Troop.          

Outing Fees:         

Fees for treks are determined by on a case-by-case basis. Scouting High Adventure fees (i.e. Philmont) are determined by BSA. Treks to National, state, county, and city parks are also pre-determined by the organization that owns the facility.  Fees are due the meeting before the specified outing with the exception of those treks that are high cost. In those cases, payment plans will be established by the trek leaders and Troop Treasurer to ease the burden of the fees. If a scouter or scout has to withdraw from a High Adventure trek (i.e. Seabase, Summer Camp), the Troop Treasurer will provide refund as follows:


1) Cancellation 180 days prior to departure, a refund of 100%.

2) Cancellation 90 days prior to departure, a refund of 75%.

3) Cancellation 60 days prior to departure, a refund of 50%.

4) Cancellation 30 days prior to departure, no refund.


The Troop does not guarantee an outing will take place.  The Troop does everything possible to fulfil planned treks, however, weather, illness, or other events may lead to an outing being cancelled or rescheduled.  The Troop strives to provide as much notice as possible.


Outing participants should not assume they are “good to go” on a trek.  Outing participants should have received positive confirmation all items are complete, or outing participants should contact an outing leader to inquire about the status of their requirements.

Fees will not be refunded for Scouts and accompanying adult participant who have been removed from an outing due to a disciplinary problem. 

Food Fees will be added with the Outing fee and are due in advance of the Outing. A food fee of $6 per person per meal will be used as a general rule for feed fee planning. Exceptions for events are acknowledged and the Outing leader has the discretion to adjust food fees accordingly.        

The fuel fee per passenger to compensate drivers will be $10 per 100 total miles traveled. The fuel fee will be paid by the scout directly to the driver that he is assigned to ride with. The Trek leader will ensure the scouts understand the fees required for reimbursing the drivers.  The trek leader will build up to $100 into the cost of the trek to cover the trek cost (up to $50 each) for the 2 lead adults on the trek as acknowledgement of their commitment to lead the trek.

Medical Form:

BSA Medical Form Parts A, B, C, are required as part of registration. The purpose of these forms is to support volunteers who lead treks which lead to the scout’s advancements.  Adults are required to complete BSA Medical Form Parts A, B,  as part of registration.



Appendix I

Board of Review Guidelines


Purpose of a Board of Review:


The members of a Board of Review should have the following objectives in mind:  

To make sure the Scout has completed the requirements for the rank.  

To see how good an experience the Scout is having in the Troop.  

To encourage the Scout to progress further.  

The Board of Review provides "quality control" on advancement within the Troop.  It provides an opportunity for the Scout to develop and practice those skills needed in an interview situation, and it is an opportunity for the Scout to review his accomplishments.  

The Board of Review is NOT a retest of the requirements of the rank he is in front of the board for. The Scout has already been tested on the skills and activities required for the rank. The Board of Review will check to insure that the Troop’s Advancement Chairperson has verified all requirements for the rank have been signed and recorded. 

The Board of Review is an opportunity to review of the Scout’s attitudes, accomplishments and his acceptance of Scouting’s ideals.   It is also a time to make sure that Scout is living up to the ideas of Scouting.


Composition of a Board of Review:


For all ranks (except Eagle) the Board of Review consists of three, but no more than six     members. Typically the Troop Board of Review Chairperson will acts as the chairperson of the Board of Review.  

For First Class and below, one member of the Board of Review may be a Senior Scout of the  rank of Life or above. Typically this will be one of the Troop Guides and should have knowledge of the Scout’s accomplishments.

The remaining board members will be from the Troop’s Committee.  For the rank of Star and above, normal only Troop’s Committee members will serve as board members. 

Relatives or guardians may not serve as members of a Scout’s Board of Review. Normally unit leaders (Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, Troop Committee Chairperson) should not       participate in a Board of Review unless absolutely necessary.  

For the rank of Eagle, the Council will coordinate the Board of Review, and the Scout will be informed my letter to the time and place of his Board of Review.  A Board of Review for Eagle may contain members of the community who are not registered Scouters. 


Mechanics of a Board of Review:


Prior the Board of Review:


The Troop Advancement Chairperson ensures that all the requirements have been "signed off"  in the Scout’s handbook and recorded into the Troop’s records. This will include a check of the Troop’s records to ensure that leadership, service time and merit badge records are consistent with the requirements for the rank.   Once the Troop Advancement Chairman has verified that  the Scouts book reflect that of the Troop’s database, he/she will annotate on the page they have verified the Troops’ records to the Scouts book. 

Troop Advancement Chairperson will then notify the Scout and the Board of Review Chairperson that the scout is ready for advancement to the next rank and he is ready for his Boards of Review.   

The Board of Review Chairperson will then schedule a Board of Review for the scout at the next Boards of Review which will be schedule on the 1st and 3rd Troop Meeting of the month. 

Scout will be advised to appear in full Class A uniform including either a neckerchief or scouting bolo.  A Merit badge sash is optional.  All scouts will be reminded that this is an interview situation, and how he presents himself at the Board is very important to those sitting on his board.  Pride in one’s appearance and uniform will be important. 

Board of Review Chairperson will organize the Board of Review and will normally call upon Troop Committee members and Senior Scouts as needed to sit on a pending Board and advise them of the need for them to attend the Troop meeting. 

Board of Review:

Board of Review should be from 15 to 30 minutes, with lower ranks requiring a shorter amount of time. 

The Scout is introduced to the board by the Chairperson of the board.  

The Chairperson of the board will ask the Scout to come to attention, and recite one or more of the following:  

The Scout Law  

The Scout Oath  

The Scout Motto  

The Scout Slogan   

The Outdoor Code  

For the lower ranks, one or two (usually the Law and Oath) will be sufficient. For higher ranks, more may be expected. One or two re-tries are appropriate, especially for younger Scouts, or if the Scout appears nervous.  

The board members are invited to ask questions of the Scout (using rank appropriate questions). The questions should be open-ended, offering an opportunity for the Scout to speak about his opinions, experiences, activities, and accomplishments. Avoid questions which only require a simple one or two word answer. If an answers is too brief, follow up with a, "Why?" or, ”How can that be done?" to expand the     answer. The questions need not be restricted to scouting or Troop topics; questions regarding  home, church, school, work, athletics, etc. are all appropriate in the realm of how scouting     plays a role in their day to day activates.  (i.e., how do you apply teamwork in your home? or With your friends?)  

The Board of Review Chairperson should be made aware of any "out-of-bounds" areas.  Parents of the Scout, Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chairperson, or Troop   Advancement Chairperson should be the primary source of this information to the Board of Review Chairperson.  In turn, this will be communicated to the board before the Board of Review begins (e.g., if a Scout is experiencing family difficulties due to a divorce, it would be prudent to avoid family types of questions.)    

The Board of Review Chairperson will be made aware of Scouts with special needs. Parents of the Scout, Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chairperson, or Troop Advancement Chairperson will advise the Board of Review Chairperson of special needs Scout.  In extreme situations, the   Troop Guide will be called on to provide a coach or role model role during the BOR.  The   board will be advised of the special needs before the start of the BOR. 

When all members have had an opportunity to ask their questions, the Scout is excused from  the room. The board members then consider whether the Scout is ready for the next rank; the board’s decision must be unanimous. Once the decision is made, the Scout is invited back into the room, and the Chairperson informs the Scout of the board’s decision.  

If the Scout is approved for the next rank, there are general congratulations and handshakes all around, and the Scout is encouraged to continue advancing.  BOR members will then sign   both the Advancement form that goes to Council and the Scout Handbook. 

If there are issues which prevent the Scout from advancing to the next rank, the board must detail the precise nature of the deficiencies. The Scout must be told specifically what must be done in order to be successful at the next Board of Review. Typically, an agreement is reached as to when the Scout may return for his subsequent Board of Review. The Board of Review Chairperson must send a written follow up, to both the Scout and the Scoutmaster, regarding the deficiencies and the course of action needed to correct them.

Parents will be contacted by the BOR Chairman with BOR feedback only if the BOR is failed. The BOR Chairman is the point of contact for the parents while the Troop Guide is the point of contact for Scouts before and after BORs in order to encourage "boy-led" role modeling.


What Every Scout Should Know


Scout Oath:


On my honor I will do my best 

To do my duty to God and my country  

and to obey the Scout Law; 

To help other people at all times; 

To keep myself physically strong,  

mentally awake, and morally straight.


Scout Law:


 As Scout is ... 














Scout Motto:

Prepared, for Life.

Scout Slogan: 

Do a good turn daily.


Outdoor Code: 

As an American, I will do my best to -- 

Be clean in my outdoor manners, 

Be careful with fire, 

Be considerate in the outdoors, and  

Be conservation-minded. 


Tenderfoot Rank


This is the Scout’s first experience with a Board of Review. The process may require some explanation on the part of the Board of Review Chairperson.  

The first few questions in the Board of Review should be simple. The Board of Review should try to gain a sense of how the Scout is fitting in to the Troop, and the Scout’s level of enjoyment of the Troop and Patrol activities.  Encourage advancement to 2nd Class. Point out that the Scout may have already completed many of the requirements for 2nd Class.  

The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 15-20 minutes.  

2nd Class Rank


This is the Scout’s second Board of Review. The process should be familiar, unless it has been some time since the Board of Review for Tenderfoot. 

Questions should focus on the use of the Scout skills learned for this rank, without retesting these skills. The Board of Review should try to perceive how the Scout’s patrol is functioning, and how this Scout is functioning within his patrol. Encourage work on the remaining requirements for 1st Class; many of the easier ones may have already been completed. 

The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 15-20 minutes.  

1st Class Rank


By this point the Scout should be comfortable with the Board of Review process.  

The Scout should be praised for his accomplishment in achieving 1st Class (particularly if he joined Boy Scouts less than a year ago). In achieving the rank of 1st Class, the Scout should feel an additional sense of responsibility to the Troop and to his patrol.  

The 1st Class rank will produce additional opportunities for the Scout (Order of the Arrow, leadership, etc.).  

Merit badges will begin to play a role in future advancement to the Star and Life ranks. Encourage merit badge work if it has not already begun.  

The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 20 minutes.  

Star Rank


With the Star rank, emphasis is placed upon service to others, merit badges, and leadership. Scout skills remain an important element for the Star Scout; however, the emphasis should be on teaching other Scouts these skills.  

Explore how the Star scout can assist with leading his patrol and Troop. Attempt to understand how the Scouting philosophy is becoming part of the Scout’s life.  

Often the Star rank is a place where Scouts "stall out". Encourage the Scout to remain active, and participate fully in his patrol and Troop. If the Scout appears to be looking for additional opportunities, suggest leadership positions such as Den Chief or Troop Guide.  

The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 20 minutes.    

Life Rank


The Life rank is the final rank before Eagle. The Life Scout should be fully participating in the Troop, with emphasis being placed on leadership in the unit, as well as teaching skills and leadership to the younger Scouts.  

Merit Badge work should be a regular part of the Scout’s career. Scouting values and concepts should be an integral part of the Scout’s daily life.  

At this point, the Scout is starting to "give back to Scouting" through leadership, training of other Scouts, recruiting, keeping Scouts active in the program, etc.  

Explore suggestions for improving the program.  

The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 20 - 30 minutes.    

Eagle Rank


The Board of Review for the Eagle Rank is different from the other Boards of Review in which the Scout has participated. The members of the Board of Review are not all from his Troop Committee. Introductions are essential, and a few "break in" questions may be appropriate.  

At this point, the goal is to understand the Scout’s full Scouting experience, and how others can have similar meaningful Scouting experiences. Scouting principles and goals should be central to the Scout’s life; look for evidence of this.  

Although this is the final rank, this is not the end of the Scouting trail; "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle". Explore how this Eagle Scout will continue with Scouting activities, and continued service to his home, church, and community.  

The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 30 - 50 minutes.  

Eagle Palms


Eagle Palms are awarded for continued service, leadership and skills development (merit badges) after the Eagle Rank has been earned. The purpose of this Board of Review is to ensure that the Eagle Scout remains active within the unit, contributes to the leadership of the unit, and assists with the growth of the other Scouts within the unit.  

The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 15 minutes.


The Troop Committee will review the Bylaws and Appendix I every 2 years at a minimum.